Anticancer Research

Journal Abbreviation: ANTICANCER RES
ISSN: 0250-7005
eISSN: 1791-7530
Publisher: International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR)

Publications (54)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Diagnostic and Prognostic Impact of Crypt Branching in Patients With Ulcerative Colitis: A Validation Study (2022) Lang-Schwarz C, Rubio CA, Vieth M Journal article Crypts in Asymmetric Fission in Endoscopic Biopsies from German Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (2021) Rubio CA, Lang-Schwarz C, Vieth M Journal article Expression of surface-associated 82 kda prommp-9 in lymphatic leukemia blast cells differentially correlates with prognosis (2021) Schmohl J, Möbius S, Günther T, Pepeldjyika E, Seidel CL, Sutanto W, Schuster F, et al. Journal article Oncological outcome and prognostic factors of surgery for soft tissue sarcoma after neoadjuvant or adjuvant radiation therapy: A retrospective analysis over 15 years (2021) Muehlhofer HML, Schlossmacher B, Lenze U, Lenze F, Burgkart R, Gersing AS, Peeken JC, et al. Journal article Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis Dysfunction after Whole Brain Radiotherapy - A Cohort Study (2020) Gebauer J, Mehta P, Fahlbusch F, Schmid SM, Rades D, Janssen S Journal article ALK Inhibitors Do Not Increase Sensitivity to Radiation in EML4-ALK Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (2020) Fleschutz K, Walter L, Leistner R, Heinzerling L Journal article Tumor handling of early-stage cervical cancer: A literature analysis of villoglandular adenocarcinoma of the cervix (2020) Dietl A, Aumann K, Beckmann M Journal article, Review article The prognostic value of the number of harvested negative lymph nodes in patients treated by esophagectomy with or without neoadjuvant chemoradiation (2020) Brunner M, Merkel S, Krautz C, Kersting S, Grützmann R, Weber G Journal article Panniculitis under successful targeted inhibition of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in a patient with BRAF V600E-mutated spindle cell oncocytoma of the pituitary gland (2019) Sollfrank L, Lettmaier S, Erdmann M, Uslu U Journal article Braf inhibitors and radiation do not act synergistically to inhibit WT and V600E BRAF human melanoma (2018) Walter L, Heinzerling L Journal article, Original article