PD Dr. Ulrich Rother


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Revaskularisation beim diabetischen Fußsyndrom? Wann und wie? (2024) Rother U, Görtz H, Uhl C, Stavroulakis K, Marchiori E, Classen S, Neufang A, et al. Journal article, Review article Multispectral optoacoustic tomography enables assessment of disease activity in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (2024) Regensburger A, Eckstein M, Wetzl M, Raming R, Paulus LP, Bühler A, Nedoschill E, et al. Journal article Hybrid ultrasound and single wavelength optoacoustic imaging reveals muscle degeneration in peripheral artery disease (2024) Träger AP, Günther J, Raming R, Paulus LP, Lang W, Meyer A, Kempf J, et al. Journal article To Surveil or Not To Surveil: That is (Still) the Question (2024) Rother U, Saratzis A Journal article Awareness of smoking cessation amongst German vascular surgeons: First national survey (2024) Bischoff M, Meisenbacher K, Rother U, Cotta L, Böhner H, Storck M, Behrendt CA Journal article Behandlung der chronischen peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit (pAVK): Indikationsstellung, etagenspezifische Therapie und Follow-up-Regime (2024) Behrendt CA, Heidemann F, Meyer A, Werra UEM, Rother U Journal article Intraoperative Blood Flow Analysis of Free Flaps with Arteriovenous Loops for Autologous Microsurgical Reconstruction (2023) Geierlehner A, Horch RE, Ludolph I, Lang W, Rother U, Meyer A, Arkudas A Journal article Editor's Choice – Long Term Outcomes After Invasive Treatment of Carotid Artery Stenosis: a Longitudinal Study of German Health Insurance Claims (2023) Zimmermann M, Larena-Avellaneda A, Rother U, Lareyre F, Søgaard M, Tulamo R, Venermo M, Behrendt CA Journal article How German vascular surgeons and angiologists judge walking exercise for patients with PAD: Results from a nationwide survey amongst 743 members of two major scientific societies (2023) Rother U, Dörr G, Malyar N, Müller OJ, Steinbauer M, Ito W, Cotta L, et al. Journal article Neue Paradigmen in der patientenzentrierten Therapie von Patienten mit peripherer arterieller Verschlusskrankheit (PAVK)? Unsere Welt nach BEST-CLI und BASIL-2 (2023) Behrendt CA, Larena-Avellaneda A, Rother U, Donas KP Journal article