Prof. Dr. Andrea Büttner


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Distribution and transition of aroma-active compounds in dark chocolate model systems under conching conditions (2024) Guckenbiehl Y, Ortner E, Rothkopf I, Schweiggert-Weisz U, Ziegleder G, Büttner A, Naumann-Gola S Journal article Commentary of the SKLM to the EFSA opinion on risk assessment of N-nitrosamines in food (2024) Eisenbrand G, Büttner A, Diel P, Epe B, Först P, Grune T, Haller D, et al. Journal article Curry-Odorants and Their Metabolites Transfer into Human Milk and Urine (2024) Debong M, Homm I, Gigl M, Lang R, Hofmann T, Büttner A, Dawid C, Loos H Journal article Correction to: Commentary of the SKLM to the EFSA opinion on risk assessment of N-nitrosamines in food (Archives of Toxicology, (2024), 98, 6, (1573-1580), 10.1007/s00204-024-03726-1) (2024) Eisenbrand G, Büttner A, Diel P, Epe B, Först P, Grune T, Haller D, et al. Journal article, Erratum Characterization of a Human Respiratory Mucosa Model to Study Odorant Metabolism (2024) Mérignac-Lacombe J, Kornbausch N, Sivarajan R, Boichot V, Berg K, Oberwinkler H, Saliba AE, et al. Journal article Controversy on health-based guidance values for bisphenol A—the need of criteria for studies that serve as a basis for risk assessment (2024) Leist M, Büttner A, Diel P, Eisenbrand G, Epe B, Först P, Grune T, et al. Journal article Quantification of odorous and potentially harmful substances in acrylic paint (2023) Bauer P, Büttner A Journal article Experimental Research in Synthetic Molecular Communications - Part I (2023) Lotter S, Brand L, Jamali V, Schäfer M, Loos H, Unterweger H, Greiner S, et al. Journal article Pulse Shaping for MC via Particle Size (2023) Wicke W, Felsheim R, Brand L, Jamali V, Loos H, Büttner A, Schober R Journal article Olfaction-inspired MCs: Molecule Mixture Shift Keying and Cross-Reactive Receptor Arrays (2023) Jamali V, Loos H, Büttner A, Schober R, Vincent Poor H Journal article