Prof. Dr. Lothar Ley


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Correlation between electronic micro-roughness and surface topography in two-dimensional surface conducting hydrogen-terminated diamond (2021) Yianni SA, Creedon DL, Schenk AK, Xing K, Akhgar G, Hoxley DI, Ley L, et al. Journal article Strong spin-orbit interaction induced by transition metal oxides at the surface of hydrogen-terminated diamond (2020) Xing K, Creedon DL, Yianni SA, Akhgar G, Zhang L, Ley L, McCallum JC, et al. Journal article Engineering the spin-orbit interaction in surface conducting diamond with a solid-state gate dielectric (2020) Xing K, Tsai A, Creedon DL, Yianni SA, Mccallum JC, Ley L, Qi DC, Pakes CI Journal article MoO3 induces p-type surface conductivity by surface transfer doping in diamond (2020) Xing K, Xiang Y, Jiang M, Creedon DL, Akhgar G, Yianni SA, Xiao H, et al. Journal article Development of a silicon-diamond interface on (111) diamond (2020) Schenk AK, Sear MJ, Dontschuk N, Tsai A, Rietwyk KJ, Tadich A, Cowie BC, et al. Journal article Attosecond-fast internal photoemission (2020) Heide C, Hauck M, Higuchi T, Ristein J, Ley L, Weber HB, Hommelhoff P Journal article, Letter G -factor and well-width fluctuations as a function of carrier density in the two-dimensional hole accumulation layer of transfer-doped diamond (2019) Akhgar G, Ley L, Creedon DL, Stacey A, Mccallum JC, Hamilton AR, Pakes C Journal article Universal Work Function of Metal Oxides Exposed to Air (2019) Rietwyk KJ, Keller DA, Ginsburg A, Barad HN, Priel M, Majhi K, Yan Z, et al. Journal article Diamond surfaces with air-stable negative electron affinity and giant electron yield enhancement (2013) O'Donnell KM, Edmonds MT, Ristein J, Tadich A, Thomsen L, Wu QH, Pakes CI, Ley L Journal article Charge transfer doping of Silicon (2013) Rietwyk KJ, Smets Y, Bashouti M, Christiansen SH, Schenk A, Tadich A, Edmonds MT, et al. Journal article