Gerhard Prölß


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




MyoBio: An automated bioreactor system technology for standardized perfusion-decellularization of whole skeletal muscle (2022) Ritter P, Cai A, Reischl B, Fiedler M, Prölß G, Frie B, Kretzschmar E, et al. Journal article, Original article Structure-Function Relationships in Muscle Fibres: MyoRobot Online Assessment of Muscle Fibre Elasticity and Sarcomere Length Distributions (2022) Haug M, Ritter P, Michael M, Reischl B, Schürmann S, Prölß G, Friedrich O Journal article, Original article Growing old too early: Skeletal muscle single fiber biomechanics in ageing r349p desmin knock-in mice using the myorobot technology (2020) Pollmann C, Haug M, Reischl B, Prölß G, Pöschel T, Rupitsch S, Clemen CS, et al. Journal article The MyoRobot technology discloses a premature biomechanical decay of skeletal muscle fiber bundles derived from R349P desminopathy mice (2019) Haug M, Meyer C, Reischl B, Prölß G, Vetter K, Iberl J, Nübler S, et al. Journal article Single muscle fibre biomechanics and biomechatronics – The challenges, the pitfalls and the future (2019) Friedrich O, Haug M, Reischl B, Prölß G, Kiriaev L, Head SI, Reid MB Journal article MyoRobot 2.0: An advanced biomechatronics platform for automated, environmentally controlled skeletal muscle single fiber biomechanics assessment employing inbuilt real-time optical imaging (2019) Haug M, Meyer C, Reischl B, Prölß G, Nübler S, Schürmann S, Schneidereit D, et al. Journal article The MyoRobot: A novel automated biomechatronics system to assess voltage/Ca2+ biosensors and active/passive biomechanics in muscle and biomaterials (2018) Haug M, Reischl B, Prölß G, Pollmann C, Buckert T, Keidel C, Schürmann S, et al. Journal article Optical prediction of single muscle fiber force production using a combined biomechatronics and second harmonic generation imaging approach (2018) Schneidereit D, Nübler S, Prölß G, Reischl B, Schürmann S, Müller OJ, Friedrich O Journal article, Original article The IsoStretcher: An isotropic cell stretch device to study mechanical biosensor pathways in living cells. (2016) Schürmann S, Wagner S, Herlitze S, Fischer C, Gumbrecht S, Wirth-Hücking A, Prölß G, et al. Journal article