sglux GmbH
Industry / private company
Germany (DE)
Device Modeling of 4H-SiC PIN Photodiodes with Shallow Implanted Al Emitters for VUV Sensor Applications ()
Schraml M, Rommel M, Papathanasiou N, Erlbacher T
Journal article
Towards SiC-Based VUV Pin-Photodiodes - Investigations on 4H-SiC Photodiodes with Shallow Implanted Al Emitters (2023)
Schraml M, Papathanasiou N, May A, Weiss T, Erlbacher T
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
4H-SiC PIN Photodiode for VUV Detection Using an Enhanced Emitter Doping Design (2023)
Schraml M, Papathanasiou N, May A, Rommel M, Erlbacher T
Conference contribution