Siemens AG

Industry / private company

Location: Nürnberg, München, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 000000012178835X


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Protection Toolchain: Automatisierte Erstellung netzintegrierter und adaptiver Schutzkonzepte (2021) Meyer J, Jäger J, Romeis C, Shang-Jaeger L, Dauer M, Krebs R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Erfahrungen mit kombinierten digitalen Lernhilfen bei Datenbank-Vorlesungen (2021) Lenz R, Haller D, Probst D, Wahl A Journal article JBFnet: Low Dose CT-denoising by Trainable Joint Bilateral Filtering (2021) Patwari M, Gutjahr R, Raupach R, Maier A Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster Structured Digital Self-Assessment of Patient Anamnesis Prior to Computed Tomography: Performance Evaluation and Added Value (2021) Kopp M, Wetzl M, Geißler F, Roth J, Wallner R, Hoefler D, Faby S, et al. Journal article Converter-based Control using Co-Simulation with a Power System Simulation Tool (2021) Raab A, Scheibe C, Wellhoefer A, Nguyen TTT, Frauenknecht D, Mehlmann G Conference contribution A Human-Machine Distance Control System Using Incoherent Cooperative FMCW Radar Sensors (2021) Edstaller S, Mueller D Conference contribution Modelling and challenges of integration of large renewable power plants (2021) Kuri A, Audring D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Security assessment for higher loaded power system operation to 2030 (2021) Raab A, Mehlmann G, Schindler J, Luther M, Abel M, Horn S, Heyde C, et al. Conference contribution X-ray Scatter Estimation Using Deep Splines (2021) Roser P, Birkhold A, Preuhs A, Syben-Leisner C, Felsner L, Hoppe E, Strobel N, et al. Journal article Deep Learning Compatible Differentiable X-ray Projections for Inverse Rendering (2021) Shetty K, Birkhold A, Strobel N, Jaganathan S, Kowarschik M, Maier A, Egger B Conference contribution