Università degli Studi Roma Tre

University / College

Location: Roma, Italy (IT) IT

ISNI: 0000000121622106

ROR: https://ror.org/05vf0dg29

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Impact of disc magnetisation on MHD disc wind signature (2024) Datta SR, Chakravorty S, Ferreira J, Petrucci PO, Kallman TR, Jacquemin-Ide J, Zimniak N, et al. Journal article The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): constraining supermassive black hole growth with population spin measurements (2024) Piotrowska JM, García JA, Walton DJ, Beckmann RS, Stern D, Ballantyne DR, Wilkins DR, et al. Journal article Non-stoichiometric crystal nucleation in a spodumene glass containing TiO2 as seed former: Effects on the viscosity of the residual melt (2023) Zandonà A, Scarani A, Löschmann J, Cicconi MR, Di Fiore F, de Ligny D, Deubener J, et al. Journal article Abundance and temperature of the outer hot circumgalactic medium: The SRG/eROSITA view of the soft X-ray background in the eFEDS field (2023) Ponti G, Zheng X, Locatelli N, Bianchi S, Zhang Y, Anastasopoulou K, Comparat J, et al. Journal article SiGeSn/GeSn Multi Quantum Wells Light Emitting Diodes with a Negative Differential Resistance (2023) Seidel L, Liu T, Marzban B, Kiyek V, Schulze J, Capellini G, Witzens J, et al. Conference contribution Polarized x-rays constrain the disk-jet geometry in the black hole x-ray binary Cygnus X-1 (2022) Krawczynski H, Muleri F, Dovčiak M, Veledina A, Rodriguez Cavero N, Svoboda J, Ingram A, et al. Journal article Quantitative protein sensing with germanium THz-antennas manufactured using CMOS processes (2022) Hardt E, Chavarin CA, Gruessing S, Flesch J, Skibitzki O, Spirito D, Vita GM, et al. Journal article THE EMLex DICTIONARY OF LEXICOGRAPHY (EMLexDictoL) (2022) Schierholz SJ, Bielinska M, Domínguez Vázquez MJ, Gouws RH, Nied Curcio M Conference contribution An X-ray interferometry concept for the ESA Voyage 2050 programme (2021) Uttley P, Den Hartog R, Bambi C, Barret D, Bianchi S, Bursa M, Cappi M, et al. Conference contribution sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open-access, global dataset of vegetation plots (2021) Sabatini FM, Lenoir J, Hattab T, Arnst EA, Chytrý M, Dengler J, De Ruffray P, et al. Journal article
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