Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Project 3: Form and meaning as factors in the identification and learning of constructional slots – English phrasal verbs and verb-preposition combinations (GRK 2839 Project 3) GRK 2839: Die Konstruktionsgrammatische Galaxis Oct. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2027 Literatur und Öffentlichkeit in differenten Gegenwartskulturen (GRK 2806) Oct. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2027 Elite Master Program "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures (SDAC)" (SDAC) Oct. 1, 2017 - Sept. 30, 2027 DFG Research Training Group – The Sentimental in Literature, Culture, and Politics (GRK 2726) April 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2026 Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe "Alternative Rationalitäten und esoterische Praktiken in globaler Perspektive" (KFG 17) April 1, 2022 - Feb. 28, 2026 Qualifizierung im DOSB – Kompetenzorientierung in der Trainer*innenbildung Leistungssport: Anforderungssituationen, Auswahl sportpädagogischer Inhalte, Ausbilder*innenhandeln, Ausbilder*innenbildung (QuaTrA) Jan. 1, 2023 - Dec. 31, 2025 Die Korrespondenz von Wilhelmine von Bayreuth mit ihrem Bruder Friedrich dem Großen Oct. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2025 Empatho-Kinaesthetic Sensor Technology (SFB 1483 EmpkinS) July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2025 Vernetzung der wissenschaftlichen Aktivitäten zum Themenkomplex Flucht und Flüchtlinge in der Erforschung von Governance, der Menschenrechte und der Gesundheit. (FFVT) Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung: Vernetzung und Transfer Jan. 1, 2020 - Dec. 31, 2024 VERBUND aims at the nationwide dissemination of the KOMBINE approach (precursor project) in order to sustainably anchor structures of physical activity promotion in municipalities. The focus is on reaching people with social disadvantages and investigating an optimal fit between resource use and benefits. In VERBUND, 12 model municipalities are helping to shape the process of sustainable dissemination and municipal structure-building health and physical activity promotion in Germany. (VERBUND) April 6, 2020 - Oct. 31, 2023