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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Framework for 5G and Beyond, Non-Terrestrial Networks, and V2X (2025) Martino L, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution TCP CUBIC with HyStart: Congestion Control for Satellite Communication in OMNeT++ INET (2024) Martino L, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Crowdsourced Starlink Performance Measurements from https://starlinkstatus.space (2024) Bülo M, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution Towards a comparative study of application performance in an automotive environment with 5G non-terrestrial networks (2024) Martino L, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Estimating the Influence of SDN Controller Intervention on Smart Grid Services (2023) Alshraa A, Maile L, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution An IDS for DDoS Attacks in SDN using VGG-Based CNN Architecture (2023) Muhammad M, Alshraa A, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Internet via Satellite: GEO vs. LEO, OpenVPN vs. Wireguard, and CUBIC vs. BBR (2023) Deutschmann J, Jahandar S, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution Multiple DCLC Routing Algorithms for Ultra-Reliable and Time-Sensitive Applications (2023) Navade P, Maile L, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Towards Synthesizing Datasets for IEEE 802.1 Time-sensitive Networking (2023) Ergenc D, Bülbül NS, Maile L, Arestova A, Fischer M Other publication type, Workshop Towards a 5G Satellite Communication Framework for V2X (2023) Martino L, Deutschmann J, Hielscher KS, German R Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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