Quality of Service
Description / Outline
Quality of service parameters like goodput, packet loss, latency, and jitter are not only responsible for the quality of experience of communication systems. In many fields of application, fulfilling the QoS requirements is also essential for a safe and reliable performance of the offered services. Industrial communication and communication between electronic control units in vehicles are examples for critical applications. In both systems, messages need to arrive within given time bounds so that the system can react to events in the required time frame.
In our quality-of-service research group we evaluate relevant quality of service metrics of communication systems. For this purpose, we apply measurements, modeling, simulation, mathematical analysis, Network Calculus, and optimization. We also design communication systems and protocols that can fulfill given quality of service parameters.
Current fields of application are communication systems in rail vehicles, smart grids, time synchronization for the development of vehicular control units, modern Ethernet standards (TSN), and satellite-based Internet communication.