Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Acronym: SFB/TR 285 C02
Start date : 01.07.2019
End date : 30.06.2027
Due to increasing economic and ecological requirements, the trend
towards lightweight construction has become increasingly important in
recent years. A central aspect of this development are multi material
designs combining high-strength steels and aluminum components with
increased complexity and a high number of variations. For the assembly
and connection of components made of different materials, joining
processes are necessary that enable the joining of workpieces with
varying mechanical and geometrical properties. One approach is the use
of the forming and pre-hole-free joining process with self piercing
rivets, which is characterized by high resource and process efficiency.
However, due to the increasing demands on joining technology in regard
to materials and geometries, new processes and methods for the
production of versatile and tailored joints are necessary.
The aim of
the project is the development of a versatile self piercing riveting
process which is robust against deviations and process variations.
Therefore, two possible solution strategies are pursued, which
complement each other synergetically. The first approach contains the
description of an adaptive, linear process control for the investigation
of the transformability of used additional joining parts. This part of
the project is being worked on by the project partner at the LWF in
Paderborn ( The second solution
strategy, which is pursued at the LFT, includes the adaptation of the
tool kinematics to the joining process and a versatile in situ control
of the process parameters. An orbital forming process is used which is
adapted to the joining materials and geometries with regard to orbital
forming kinematics and process control, thus enabling tailored joints
with increased process robustness.
Due to increasing economic and ecological requirements, the trend
towards lightweight construction has become increasingly important in
recent years. A central aspect of this development are multi material
designs combining high-strength steels and aluminum components with
increased complexity and a high number of variations. For the assembly
and connection of components made of different materials, joining
processes are necessary that enable the joining of workpieces with
varying mechanical and geometrical properties. One approach is the use
of the forming and pre-hole-free joining process with self piercing
rivets, which is characterized by high resource and process efficiency.
However, due to the increasing demands on joining technology in regard
to materials and geometries, new processes and methods for the
production of versatile and tailored joints are necessary.
The aim of
the project is the development of a versatile self piercing riveting
process which is robust against deviations and process variations.
Therefore, two possible solution strategies are pursued, which
complement each other synergetically. The first approach contains the
description of an adaptive, linear process control for the investigation
of the transformability of used additional joining parts. This part of
the project is being worked on by the project partner at the LWF in
Paderborn ( The second solution
strategy, which is pursued at the LFT, includes the adaptation of the
tool kinematics to the joining process and a versatile in situ control
of the process parameters. An orbital forming process is used which is
adapted to the joining materials and geometries with regard to orbital
forming kinematics and process control, thus enabling tailored joints
with increased process robustness.