The Labour Market Integration of Skilled Migrants in International Comparison (SPP 1764)
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
SPP 1764
Start date :
End date :
Immigrants’ Labour Market Disadvantages Across Western Europe: the Role of Composition and Context (2021)
Damelang A, Ebensperger S, Stumpf F
Journal article
To work or to study? Postmigration educational investments of adult refugees in Germany - evidence from a choice experiment (2020)
Damelang A, Kosyakova Y
Other publication type
How National Institutions Shape Skilled Immigrants’ Chances of Getting Hired: Evidence from Harmonised Factorial Surveys with Employers in Germany and England (2020)
Stumpf F, Damelang A, Abraham M, Ebensperger S
Journal article
How National Institutions Shape Skilled Immigrants’ Chances of Getting Hired: Evidence from Harmonised Factorial Surveys with Employers in Germany and England (2020)
Stumpf F, Damelang A, Abraham M, Ebensperger S
Journal article
Foreign credential recognition and immigrants’ chances of being hired for skilled jobs – Evidence from a survey experiment among employers (2020)
Damelang A, Ebensperger S, Stumpf F
Journal article