Product-oriented process management - Computer-aided modeling as well as graph-based analysis and visualization of the matrix-based product description (ProPro 2.0)
Third party funded individual grant
ProPro 2.0
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Filters (inactive)
Methode zur Einbindung von heuristischem Wissen in die erweiterte matrixbasierte Produktbeschreibung (2018)
Tüchsen J, Obendorfer M, Luft T, Schleich B, Wartzack S
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Combination of Matrix-based and Graph-based Modeling for Product and Organizational Structures (2017)
Schweigert S, Luft T, Wartzack S, Lindemann U
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
A Software Tool for the Graph-Based Visualization of Complex Relations Between Product Properties and Characteristics (2017)
Luft T, Schuh P, Wartzack S
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes