Dynamic Characterization of Molded Devices and Fundamental Investigations on Reliability (ZuGaNG)

Third Party Funds Group - Sub project

Acronym: ZuGaNG

Start date : 01.04.2014

End date : 31.03.2017

Extension date: 30.06.2017

"Normally off" Schaltung aus Kaskode mit GaN "normally on" Schaltern Project picture Project picture Project picture Project picture Project picture Project picture "Normally off" Schaltung aus Kaskode mit GaN "normally on" Schaltern (GaN normally on Transistor von Fraunhofer IAF + Zusatzbeschaltung Fraunhofer IISB)

Overall project details

Overall project

Zukünftige, effiziente Energiewandlung mit GaN-basierter Leistungselektronik der nächsten Generation

Overall project speaker:

Project details

Short description

Today's silicon-based solutions for power electronics are to be significantly exceeded in terms of efficiency, switching frequency, reliability and temperature range. The performance of the gallium nitride technology is to be demonstrated together with industrial partners for applications in household and heating happlications as well as electromobility, production technology and regenerative energy systems.


Scientific Abstract

In this project, fundamental investigations are carried out regarding the reliability as well as dynamic switching characteristics of GaN devices. Defects in the semiconductor material are correlated with the electrical behavior of the components in order to improve the reliability. This is also made possible by the manufacturing and investigation of special GaN test structures in the μm scale in order to develop new characterization methods. Furthermore, the dynamic switching characteristics of GaN transistors are investigated. This includes the measurement of the gate charge and the dynamic on-resistance. In order to circumvent the disadvantages of conventional normally-on GaN transistors, hybrid normally-off cascodes and suitable drive circuits are also examined.


Contributing FAU Organisations:

Funding Source