Monolithic electronic circuits based on epitaxial graphene
Third party funded individual grant
Start date :
Epitaxial Graphene on silicon carbide as a tailorable metal-semiconductor interface (2021)
Krieger M, Weber HB
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Gateless patterning of epitaxial graphene by local intercalation (2015)
Sorger C, Hertel S, Jobst J, Steiner C, Meil K, Ullmann K, Albert A, et al.
Journal article
Monolithic circuits with epitaxial graphene/silicon carbide transistors (2014)
Hertel S, Krieger M, Weber HB
Journal article
Tailoring the graphene/silicon carbide interface for monolithic wafer-scale electronics (2012)
Hertel S, Waldmann D, Jobst J, Albert A, Albrecht M, Krieger M, Reshanov S, et al.
Journal article, Letter