PD Dr. Tatiana Görig


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




The National Cancer Aid monitoring (NCAM-online) of ultraviolet radiation risk and protection behavior: a population-based observational trend study with four annual online survey waves (2024) Diehl K, Breitbart EW, de Buhr Y, Görig T Journal article Correlates of perceived shared decision making with parents of children with special healthcare needs: Findings from the PART-CHILD study (2024) Görig T, Eichinger M, Georg S, Hoffmann D, Philippi H, König J, Urschitz MS, De Bock F Journal article Perceived shared decision making and satisfaction with care among children and adolescents with special healthcare needs and their parents: Cross-sectional evidence from the PART-CHILD Study (2024) Nisius K, Hoffmann D, Görig T, Georg S, Krug K, De Bock F, Eichinger M Journal article Tanning bed use in Germany between 2015 and 2022: Representative data of 28,000 individuals on indoor tanning, risk awareness and reasons for use (2024) Diehl K, Breitbart EW, de Buhr Y, Görig T Journal article Understanding e-Cigarette Addictiveness: Triangulation of Focus Group and Netnographic Data (2024) Andreas M, Grundinger N, Wolber N, Szafran D, Görig T, Mons U, Lohner V, et al. Journal article Berufskrankheit UV-induzierter Hautkrebs: Was wissen Außenbeschäftigte in Deutschland über nichtmelanozytären Hautkrebs? (2024) Diehl K, Dursun E, Görig T Journal article What does the general population know about nonmelanoma skin cancer? Representative cross-sectional data from Germany (2024) Brokmeier L, Görig T, Spähn BA, Breitbart EW, Heppt M, Diehl K Journal article Die Nutzung von Sonnenbrillen im Alltag, im Beruf und bei Sport im Freien: aktuelle Ergebnisse bundesweiter Befragungen (2024) Görig T, Schuster AK, Breitbart EW, Diehl K Journal article Public Health-Herausforderung Hautkrebs und Sonnenschutzstrategien (2023) Spähn BA, Görig T, Diehl K Journal article Umsetzung von UV-Schutzmaßnahmen am Arbeitsplatz (2023) Görig T, Diehl K Journal article