Janina Schoen


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




IL-3 orchestrates ulcerative colitis pathogenesis by controlling the development and the recruitment of splenic reservoir neutrophils (2023) Benard A, Mittelstädt A, Klösch B, Glanz K, Müller J, Schoen J, Nüse B, et al. Journal article Neutrophil Extracellular Trap-Borne Elastase Prevents Inflammatory Relapse in Intercritical Gout (2023) Liu L, Shan L, Wang H, Schauer C, Schoen J, Zhu L, Lu C, et al. Journal article Moonlighting chromatin: when DNA escapes nuclear control (2023) Singh J, Boettcher M, Dölling M, Heuer A, Hohberger B, Leppkes M, Naschberger E, et al. Journal article, Review article Neutrophil extracellular traps and DNases orchestrate formation of peritoneal adhesions. (2023) Elrod J, Heuer A, Knopf J, Schoen J, Schönfeld L, Trochimiuk M, Stiel C, et al. Journal article Neutrophils’ Extracellular Trap Mechanisms: From Physiology to Pathology (2022) Schoen J, Euler M, Schauer C, Schett G, Herrmann M, Knopf J, Yaykasli KO Journal article, Review article Periodontitis-Derived Dark-NETs in Severe Covid-19 (2022) Vitkov L, Knopf J, Krunić J, Schoen J, Minnich B, Hannig M, Herrmann M, Schauer C Journal article, Review article Hypoxia Promotes Neutrophil Survival After Acute Myocardial Infarction (2022) Dölling M, Eckstein M, Singh J, Schoen J, Shan X, Bozec A, Knopf J, et al. Journal article Neutrophil extracellular traps drive epithelial‐mesenchymal transition of human colon cancer (2021) Stehr A, Wang G, Demmler R, Stemmler M, Straube J, Tripal P, Schmid B, et al. Journal article, Original article Neutrophils Orchestrate the Periodontal Pocket (2021) Vitkov L, Munoz Becerra L, Schoen J, Knopf J, Schauer C, Minnich B, Herrmann M, Hannig M Journal article, Review article Synthetic biology and the possibilities in achieving a plant demand and soil buffer capacity adapted nitrogen (n) recycling (2021) Schorr L, Schoen J, Benckiser G Book chapter / Article in edited volumes