Florian Johannes Kordon


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Multi-Stage Platform for (Semi-)Automatic Planning in Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery (2022) Kordon FJ, Maier A, Swartman B, Privalov M, El Barbari JS, Kunze H Journal article, Original article Abstract: Automatic Path Planning for Safe Guide Pin Insertion in PCL Reconstruction Surgery (2022) Kordon FJ, Maier A, Swartman B, Privalov M, El Barbari JS, Kunze H Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Training Deep Learning Models for 2D Spine X-rays Using Synthetic Images and Annotations Created from 3D CT Volumes (2022) Sukesh R, Fieselmann A, Jaganathan S, Shetty K, Kaergel R, Kordon FJ, Kappler S, Maier A Conference contribution Towards Weakly Supervised Segmentation of Orthopaedic X-ray Images Using Constrained-CNN Losses (2022) Arbogast N, Kordon FJ, Kunze H, Swartman B, El Barbari JS, Breininger K Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Automatic Switching of Organ Programs in Interventional X-ray Machines Using Deep Learning (2022) Ravi A, Kordon FJ, Maier A Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Normalization techniques for CNN based analysis of surgical cone beam CT volumes (2022) Martín Vicario C, Kordon FJ, Denzinger F, El Barbari JS, Privalov M, Franke J, Maier A, Kunze H Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Direct and indirect image rotation estimation methods of orthopedic x-ray images (2022) Kunze H, Kordon FJ, Maier A, Breininger K Conference contribution, Conference Contribution DL-based inpainting for metal artifact reduction for cone beam CT using metal path length information (2022) Gottschalk T, Maier A, Kordon FJ, Kreher BW Journal article View-Consistent Metal Segmentation in the Projection Domain for Metal Artifact Reduction in CBCT – An Investigation of Potential Improvement (2021) Gottschalk T, Maier A, Kordon FJ, Kreher BW Journal article, Original article Automatic Path Planning for Safe Guide Pin Insertion in PCL Reconstruction Surgery (2021) Kordon FJ, Maier A, Swartman B, Privalov M, El Barbari JS, Kunze H Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
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