Dr. Philipp Bitzenbauer


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Spooky action at a distance? A two-phase study into learners’ views of quantum entanglement (2024) Brang M, Franke H, Greinert F, Ubben MS, Hennig F, Bitzenbauer P Journal article From light polarization to quantum physics: Supporting lower secondary school students’ transition from gestalt to functional thinking (2024) Bitzenbauer P, Tóth K, Michelini M Journal article Exploring the effect of a phenomenological teaching-learning sequence on lower secondary school students’ views of light polarisation (2024) Tóth K, Michelini M, Bitzenbauer P Journal article A new teaching-learning sequence to promote secondary school students' learning of quantum physics using Dirac notation (2024) Bitzenbauer P, Hennig F, Förster M, Tóth K Journal article The core of secondary level quantum education: a multi-stakeholder perspective (2024) Bitzenbauer P, Merzel A, Krijtenburg-Lewerissa K, Stadermann K, Andreotti E, Anttila D, Bondani M, et al. Journal article Exploring the effect of a phenomenological teaching-learning sequence on lower secondary school students' views of light polarisation (2024) Bitzenbauer P, Tóth K, Michelini M Journal article How do pre-service teachers view Galois theory? A questionnaire study (2024) Bitzenbauer P, Veith JM, Girnat B, Winkler B, Becker E, Becher R Journal article (How) Do Pre-service Teachers Use YouTube Features in the Selection of Instructional Videos for Physics Teaching? (2023) Bitzenbauer P, Teußner T, Veith JM, Kulgemeyer C Journal article Erklärvideos zur Quantenverschränkung — Ein Unterrichtskonzept mit Erklärvideos und Hinweise zu ihrer Auswahl (2023) Bitzenbauer P, Heusler S, Ubben M Journal article Was ist so besonders an Superpositionen? Von Überlagerungen in der klassischen Wellenlehre zu Superpositionen in der Quantenphysik (2023) Bitzenbauer P, Heusler S, Ubben M Journal article