Dr. Dietmar Gölitz


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Workshop zur Qualifizierung von Geographielehrpersonen für inklusiven Geographieunterricht. Inhalte, Struktur, Materialien (2021) Tellesch-Bülow C, Thieroff B, Winklmaier AS, Pluhatsch V, Gölitz D, Schubert JC Authored book, Monography Qualifizierung von Geographie‐Lehrpersonen für Inklusive Bildung – Entwicklung und Evaluation von Aus‐ und Fortbildungsangeboten für inklusiven Geographieunterricht im Design‐Based‐Research: Schlussbericht (2021) Schubert JC, Gölitz D, Winklmaier AS, Thieroff B, Tellesch-Bülow C Other publication type, Report Birth rank as a determinant of academic achievement:results from a European survey of primary school children (2020) Arshad H, Husky MM, Gölitz D, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Koc C, Lesinskiene S, et al. Journal article Bullying involvement and self-reported mental health in elementary school children across Europe (2020) Husky MM, Delbasty E, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Gölitz D, Koç C, Lesinskiene S, et al. Journal article Tectonics and Technical Language. Development of and Research on a Language-Sensitive Learning Design on Plate Tectonics (2020) Wey S, Gölitz D, Schubert JC Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Three-generation households and child mental health in European countries (2019) Masfety VK, Aarnink C, Otten R, Bitfoi A, Mihova Z, Lesinskiene S, Carta MG, et al. Journal article Self-reported mental health in children ages six to 12 across eight European countries (2018) Gölitz D Journal article Psychometric Properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in Children Aged 5-12 Years Across Seven European Countries (2018) Husky MM, Otten R, Boyd A, Pez O, Bitfoi A, Carta MG, Gölitz D, et al. Journal article, Original article Śamatha-vipaśyanā: Does empirical psychology have a theory? Presentation for Workshop Śamatha-vipaśyanā in the Context of Indo-Sinitic Buddhism Statics and Dynamics (Fudan University, September 23-25) (2017) Gölitz D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Die Bedeutung literarisch evozierter Emotionen für die Aktivierung von Empathie und literarischer Textverstehenskompetenz. (2017) Brüggemann J, Frederking V, Gölitz D, Hasenstab S, Stark T Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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