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Axel Dietschmann
List of publications:
Department of Infection Biology
Professur für Infektionsabwehr und Toleranz
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Edited Volume
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Th2-dependent disappearance and phenotypic conversion of mouse alveolar macrophages (2023)
Dietschmann A, Ruhl A, Murray PJ, Günther C, Becker C, Fallon P, Vöhringer D
Journal article
STAT6-induced production of mucus and resistin-like molecules in lung Club cells does not protect against helminth or influenza A virus infection (2023)
Ruhl A, Vieira Antao AI, Dietschmann A, Radtke D, Tenbusch M, Vöhringer D
Journal article
STAT6-dependent deletion and trans-differentiation of alveolar macrophages during allergic airway inflammation (2022)
Ruhl A, Dietschmann A, Murray PJ, Vöhringer D
Conference contribution
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI3K) Orchestrates Aspergillus fumigatus-Induced Eosinophil Activation Independently of Canonical Toll-Like Receptor (TLR)/C-Type-Lectin Receptor (CLR) Signaling (2022)
Dietschmann A, Schrüfer S, Westermann S, Henkel F, Castiglione K, Willebrand R, Adam J, et al.
Journal article
Siglec-F Promotes IL-33-Induced Cytokine Release from Bone Marrow-Derived Eosinophils Independently of the ITIM and ITIM-like Motif Phosphorylation (2022)
Westermann S, Dietschmann A, Doehler D, Castiglione K, Bochner BS, Vöhringer D, Radtke D
Journal article
PI3K signaling orchestrates eosinophil activation against Aspergillus fumigatus independently of canonical TLR/CLR signaling (2021)
Dietschmann A, Schrüfer S, Westermann S, Henkel F, Castiglione K, Willebrand R, Ruland J, et al.
Conference contribution
The regulatory and transcriptional landscape associated with carbon utilization in a filamentous fungus (2020)
Wu VW, Thieme N, Huberman LB, Dietschmann A, Kowbel DJ, Lee J, Calhoun S, et al.
Journal article
Th2 cells promote eosinophil-independent pathology in a murine model of allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (2020)
Dietschmann A, Schruefer S, Krappmann S, Vöhringer D
Journal article
Murine eosinophil development and allergic lung eosinophilia are largely dependent on the signaling adaptor GRB2 (2018)
Willebrand R, Dietschmann A, Nitschke L, Krappmann S, Vöhringer D
Journal article