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Moritz Kreutzer
List of publications:
Professur für Höchstleistungsrechnen
Regionales Rechenzentrum Erlangen (RRZE)
Types of publications
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Journal article
Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Authored book
Edited Volume
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint
Unpublished / Preprint
Publication year
Filters (inactive)
Benefits from using mixed precision computations in the ELPA-AEO and ESSEX-II eigensolver projects (2019)
Alvermann A, Basermann A, Bungartz HJ, Carbogno C, Ernst D, Fehske H, Futamura Y, et al.
Journal article
Optimization and performance evaluation of the IDR iterative Krylov solver on GPUs (2018)
Anzt H, Kreutzer M, Ponce E, Peterson GD, Wellein G, Dongarra J
Journal article
CRAFT: A library for easier application-level Checkpoint/Restart and Automatic Fault Tolerance (2018)
Shahzad F, Thies J, Kreutzer M, Zeiser T, Hager G, Wellein G
Journal article, Original article
Chebyshev filter diagonalization on modern manycore processors and GPGPUs (2018)
Kreutzer M, Ernst D, Bishop AR, Fehske H, Hager G, Nakajima K, Wellein G
Authored book, Volume of book series
Improved coefficients for polynomial filtering in ESSEX (2017)
Galgon M, Krämer L, Lang B, Alvermann A, Fehske H, Pieper A, Hager G, et al.
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution
Preconditioned Krylov solvers on GPUs (2017)
Anzt H, Gates M, Dongarra J, Kreutzer M, Wellein G, Köhler M
Journal article, Original article
High-performance implementation of Chebyshev filter diagonalization for interior eigenvalue computations (2016)
Wellein G, Alvermann A, Fehske H, Hager G, Kreutzer M, Lang B, Pieper A, Galgon M
Journal article
Towards an exascale enabled sparse solver repository (2016)
Thies J, Galgon M, Shahzad F, Alvermann A, Kreutzer M, Pieper A, Röhrig-Zöllner M, et al.
Authored book, Volume of book series
GHOST: Building Blocks for High Performance Sparse Linear Algebra on Heterogeneous Systems (2016)
Kreutzer M, Thies J, Röhrig-Zöllner M, Pieper A, Shahzad F, Galgon M, Basermann A, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Efficiency of general Krylov methods on GPUs - An experimental study (2016)
Anzt H, Dongarra J, Kreutzer M, Wellein G, Köhler M
Conference contribution, Conference Contribution