Professur für Höchstleistungsrechnen


The research activities of the HPC professorship are located at the interface between numerical applications and modern parallel, heterogeneous high-performance computers.

The application focus is on the development and implementation of hardware- and energy-efficient numerical methods and application programs. The foundation of all activities is a structured performance engineering (PE) process based on analytic performance models. Such models describe the interaction between software and hardware and are thus able to systematically identify efficient implementation, optimization and parallelization strategies. The PE process is applied to stencil-based schemes as well as basic operations and eigenvalue solvers for large sparse problems.

In the computer science-oriented research focus, performance models, PE methods and easy-to-use open source tools are developed that support the process of performance engineering and performance modeling on the compute node level. We focus on the continuous development of the ECM performance model and the LIKWID tool collection.

In teaching and training, the working group consistently relies on a model-based approach to teach optimization and parallelization techniques. The courses are integrated into the computer science and computational engineering curriculum at FAU. Furthermore, the group offers an internationally successful tutorial program on performance engineering and hybrid programming.

Prof. Wellein is director of the Erlangen National Center for High-Performance  Computing (NHR@FAU) and is the spokesman of the Competence Network for Scientific High Performance Computing in Bavaria (KONWIHR).


Martensstraße 3
91058 Erlangen