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Alina Grünewald
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffwissenschaften (Biomaterialien)
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Erratum: 45S5 bioactive glass-based scaffolds coated with cellulose nanowhiskers for bone tissue engineering (RSC Adv. (2014) 4 (56156-56164) DOI: 10.1039/C4RA07740G) (2023)
Li W, Garmendia N, De Larraya UP, Ding Y, Detsch R, Grünewald A, Roether J, et al.
Journal article, Erratum
Fabrication and assessment of bifunctional electrospun poly(L-lactic acid) scaffolds with bioglass and zinc oxide nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering (2023)
Canales DA, Piñones N, Saavedra M, Loyo C, Palza H, Peponi L, Leonés A, et al.
Journal article
In vitro cytocompatibility and antibacterial studies on biodegradable Zn alloys supplemented by a critical assessment of direct contact cytotoxicity assay (2022)
Watroba M, Bednarczyk W, Szewczyk PK, Kawalko J, Mech K, Grünewald A, Ünalan I, et al.
Journal article
Biodegradable Polylactide Supraparticle Powders with Functional Additives for Biomedical Additive Manufacturing (2022)
Canziani H, Hanschmann B, Tischer F, Sommereyns A, Distler T, Schramm J, Hesse N, et al.
Journal article
Electrospun fibers of poly (lactic acid) containing bioactive glass and magnesium oxide nanoparticles for bone tissue regeneration (2022)
Canales DA, Reyes F, Saavedra M, Peponi L, Leonés A, Palza H, Boccaccini AR, et al.
Journal article
Polymer-Bioactive Glass Composite Filaments for 3D Scaffold Manufacturing by Fused Deposition Modeling: Fabrication and Characterization (2020)
Distler T, Fournier N, Grünewald A, Polley C, Seitz H, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Cell Interactions with Size-Controlled Colloidal Monolayers: Toward Improved Coatings in Bone Tissue Engineering (2020)
Walter T, Grünewald A, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR, Vogel N
Journal article
In vitro study of bioactive glass coatings obtainedby atmospheric plasma spraying (2020)
Cañas E, Grünewald A, Detsch R, Orts MJ, Sánchez E, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Bioactive glass (45S5)-based 3D scaffolds coated with magnesium and zinc-loaded hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications (2019)
Dittler ML, Ünalan I, Grünewald A, Beltrán AM, Grillo CA, Detsch R, Gonzalez MC, Boccaccini AR
Journal article
Studies on Cell Compatibility, Antibacterial Behavior, and Zeta Potential of Ag-Containing Polydopamine-Coated Bioactive Glass-Ceramic (2019)
Tejido Rastrilla R, Ferraris S, Goldmann W, Grünewald A, Detsch R, Baldi G, Spriano S, Boccaccini AR
Journal article