Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hensel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Creation of an Electro-magnetic Heat Simulation for Planning Hyperthermia Treatments for Mice (2022) Kahlert B, Bert C, Rückert M, Hensel B, Root K, Vossiek M, Fietkau R, et al. Conference contribution Echo time dependence of biexponential and triexponential intravoxel incoherent motion parameters in the liver (2021) Führes T, Riexinger A, Loh M, Martin J, Wetscherek A, Kuder TA, Uder M, et al. Journal article Influence of drying methods on the physical properties of bacterial nanocellulose (2021) Andree V, Niopek D, Müller C, Eiselt JP, Foh N, Rzany A, Hensel B Journal article Hybrid B1+-shimming and gradient adaptions for improved pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling at 7 Tesla (2021) Meixner C, Eisen C, Schmitter S, Müller M, Herrler J, Hensel B, Dörfler A, et al. Journal article Effect of compression garments on muscle perfusion in delayed-onset muscle soreness: A quantitative analysis using intravoxel incoherent motion MR perfusion imaging (2021) Riexinger A, Laun FB, Hoeger SA, Wiesmüller M, Uder M, Hensel B, Forst R, et al. Journal article On the dependence of the cardiac motion artifact on the breathing cycle in liver diffusion-weighted imaging (2020) Riexinger A, Laun FB, Bickelhaupt S, Seuß H, Uder M, Hensel B, Saake M Journal article A mixed waveform protocol for reduction of the cardiac motion artifact in black-blood diffusion-weighted imaging of the liver (2020) Rauh SS, Riexinger A, Ohlmeyer S, Hammon M, Saake M, Stemmer A, Uder M, et al. Journal article An optimized b-value distribution for triexponential intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) in the liver (2020) Riexinger A, Martin J, Wetscherek A, Kuder TA, Uder M, Hensel B, Laun FB Journal article Compressed sensing and the use of phased array coils in 23Na MRI: a comparison of a SENSE-based and an individually combined multi-channel reconstruction (2020) Lachner S, Utzschneider M, Zaric O, Minarikova L, Ruck L, Zbýň Š, Hensel B, et al. Journal article Sample size estimation: Current practice and considerations for original investigations in MRI technical development studies (2020) Hanspach J, Nagel AM, Hensel B, Uder M, Koros L, Laun FB Journal article
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