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Dr. Anna Seidel
List of publications:
Lehrstuhl für Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde, insbesondere zahnärztliche Prothetik
Department of Prosthodontics
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Impact of manual therapy on body posture-3-D analysis with rasterstereography – pilotstudy (2024)
Harhoff A, Pohl T, Loibl C, Adler W, Süßenbach-Mädl M, Ries J, Seidel A, et al.
Journal article
Three-dimensional imaging analysis of CAD/CAM custom-milled versus prefabricated allogeneic block remodelling at 6 months and long-term follow-up of dental implants: A retrospective cohort study (2024)
Seidel A, Leira Y, Batalla P, Caneiro L, Wichmann M, Blanco J
Journal article
Investigation of Morphological Changes of the Soft Tissue in the Aesthetic Zone: A 3D Virtual Analysis after Conventional Tooth Extraction and Benex® Extraction (2024)
Buchbender M, Gath L, Jaeckel F, Seidel A, Kesting MR, Wichmann M, Adler W, Matta R
Journal article
Accuracy of full-guided versus half-guided implant procedures carried out with digital implant planning software by students as part of a university curriculum. (2024)
Einsiedel D, Giacaman SK, Seidel A, Berger L, Buchbender M, Wichmann M, Matta R
Journal article
Quantitative analysis of zirconia and titanium implant artefacts in three-dimensional virtual models of multi-slice CT and cone beam CT: does scan protocol matter? (2023)
Matta R, Knapp Giacaman S, Wiesmüller M, Lutz R, Uder M, Wichmann M, Seidel A
Journal article
Investigation of the palatal soft tissue volume: a 3D virtual analysis for digital workflows and presurgical planning (2022)
Seidel A, Schmitt C, Matta R, Buchbender M, Wichmann M, Berger L
Journal article
Influence of low insertion torque values on survival rate of immediately loaded dental implants: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Darriba I, Seidel A, Moreno F, Botelho J, Machado V, Joao Mendes J, Leira Y, Blanco J
Journal article, Review article
Retrospective 3D analysis of bone regeneration after cystectomy of odontogenic cysts. (2020)
Buchbender M, Koch B, Kesting MR, Matta R, Adler W, Seidel A, Schmitt CM
Journal article
The occlusal wear of ceramic fixed dental prostheses: 3-Year results in a randomized controlled clinical trial with split-mouth design (2020)
Seidel A, Belli R, Breidebach N, Wichmann M, Matta R
Journal article
Retrospective 3D analysis of bone regeneration after cystectomy of odontogenic cysts (2020)
Buchbender M, Koch B, Kesting MR, Matta R, Adler W, Seidel A, Schmitt C
Journal article