Seidel A, Belli R, Breidebach N, Wichmann M, Matta R (2020)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2020
Book Volume: 103
DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2020.103500
Objectives: This study's hypothesis was to evaluate differences of the occlusal wear rate for monolithically fabricated lithium disilicate and hand-veneered zirconia crowns in-vivo. Furthermore, a comparison of the materials' clinical performance according to CDA criteria was investigated.
Seidel, A., Belli, R., Breidebach, N., Wichmann, M., & Matta, R. (2020). The occlusal wear of ceramic fixed dental prostheses: 3-Year results in a randomized controlled clinical trial with split-mouth design. Journal of Dentistry, 103.
Seidel, Anna, et al. "The occlusal wear of ceramic fixed dental prostheses: 3-Year results in a randomized controlled clinical trial with split-mouth design." Journal of Dentistry 103 (2020).
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