Prof. Dr. Harald Tauchmann

Picture of Harald Tauchmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Habit Formation, Obesity, and Cash Rewards (2018) Augurzky B, Bauer T, Reichert A, Schmidt CM, Tauchmann H Other publication type On the Interdependence of Ambulatory and Hospital care in the German Health System (2017) Büyükdurums T, Kopetsch T, Schmitz H, Tauchmann H Journal article, Online publication Does Moderate Weight Loss Affect Subjective Health Perception in Obese Individuals? Evidence from Field Experimental Data (2017) Hafner L, Tauchmann H, Wübker A Other publication type Workforce Reduction, Subjective Job Insecurity, and Mental Health (2017) Tauchmann H, Reichert A Journal article, Online publication Who responds to financial incentives for weight loss? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial (2015) Paloyo AR, Reichert AR, Reuss-Borst M, Tauchmann H Journal article Self-perceived Job Insecurity and the Demand for Medical Rehabilitation: Does Fear of Unemployment Reduce Health Care Utilization? (2015) Reichert A, Augurzky B, Tauchmann H Journal article "How Health Plan Enrollees Value Prices Relative to Supplemental Benefits and Service Quality" (2015) Bünnings C, Schmitz H, Tauchmann H, Zierbarth N Other publication type "Wheight Loss and Sexual Activity in Adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a Casual Link" (2015) Reichert AR, Tauchmann H, Wübker A Other publication type Who Opts Out of the Statutory Health Insurance? A Discrete Time Hazard Model for Germany (2015) Bünnings C, Tauchmann H Journal article Finanzielle Anreize zur Gewichtsreduktion nach stationärer Rehabilitation (2015) Reuss-Borst M, Peters E, Payolo A, Reichert A, Tauchmann H Journal article
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