Prof. Dr. Harald Tauchmann

Picture of Harald Tauchmann


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Linear Fixed-Effects Estimation with Non-Repeated Outcomes (2023) Tauchmann H, Farbmacher H Journal article, Original article lgrgtest: Lagrange-multiplier test after constrained maximum-likelihood estimation (2023) Tauchmann H Journal article, Original article Consequences of early thyroid ultrasound on subsequent tests, morbidity and costs: an explorative analysis of routine health data from German ambulatory care (2023) Hueber S, Biermann V, Tomandl J, Warkentin L, Schedlbauer A, Tauchmann H, Klemperer D, et al. Journal article, Original article Weight Loss and Sexual Activity in adult Obese Individuals: Establishing a causal link (2023) Tauchmann H, Wübker A Journal article, Original article Zum "Konsens" zum Thema "Homöopathie in der medizinischen Versorgung" (2022) Tauchmann H, Kifmann M, Herr A, Brosig-Koch J Journal article, other Short and medium-term cost effects of non-indicated thyroid diagnostics: Empirical evidence from German claims data (2022) Hafner L, Biermann V, Donnachie E, Hueber S, Kühlein T, Tauchmann H, Tomandl J Journal article, Original article In sickness and in health? Health shocks and relationship breakdown: Empirical evidence from Germany (2021) Bünnings C, Hafner L, Reif S, Tauchmann H Journal article, Original article stackreg – stacked linear regression analysis to facilitate testing of hypotheses across OLS regressions (2021) Oberfichtner M, Tauchmann H Journal article, Review article LMTEST: stata module to perform Lagrange multiplier test after constrained maximum likelihood estimation (2021) Tauchmann H Other publication type, Software-Modul Does moderate weight loss affect subjective health perception in obese individuals? Evidence from field experimental data (2021) Hafner L, Tauchmann H, Wübker A Journal article, Online publication