Sonia Hetzner


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Innovating Media and Learning in Higher Education with EU Support (2024) Tillmanns T, Salomao Filho A, Hetzner S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Potentiale hybrider Lehre im Hochschulkontext : Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Interviewstudie mit Lehrenden (2023) Hetzner S, Krauß E, Schmidt C, Sesselmann K Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Pimp your lecture: Digitalisierung der Lehre als Motor für Veränderung - Auftrag an die Organisationsentwicklung der Hochschule. (2018) Hetzner S, Schmidt C Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Pimp your lecture: Erfolgreiche Ansätze zur Unterstützung der Digitalisierung der Lehre an der Friedrich-AlexanderUniversität Erlangen-Nürnberg (2017) Hetzner S, Schmidt C, Zepf S, Sesselmann K Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Mobile Learning Concepts for Older Adults: Results of a Pilot Study with Tablet Computers in France and Germany (2016) Hetzner S, Leen-Thomele E, Held P Conference contribution Mobile Learning for older adults: new learning concepts for seniors without e-skills (2015) Leen-Thomele E, Hetzner S, Held P Conference contribution, Original article Working Environment with Social and Personal Open Tools for Inquiry-Based Learning Pedagogic and Diagnostic Frameworks (2014) Protopsaltis A, Seitlinger C, Chaimala F, Firssova O, Hetzner S, Kikis-Papadakis K, Boytchev P Journal article, Original article How to teach entrepreneurship using serious games and web 2.0 (2014) Protopsaltis A, Hetzner S, Borotis S, Connolly T, Hainey T Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Video Use in Higher Education: Promoting High Quality Higher Education With Up-To-Date Media Approaches (2014) Hetzner S, Schmidt C, Zepf S Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture StartUP_EU: Using game-based learning and Web 2.0 technologies to teach entrepreneurship to secondary education students (2013) Protopsaltis A, Hetzner S, Borotis S, Connolly T, Hainey T Conference contribution, Original article
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