Dr. Kyra Göbel


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Explanatory machine learning for justified trust in human-AI collaboration: Experiments on file deletion recommendations (2022) Göbel K, Niessen C, Seufert S, Schmid U Journal article Meta-analytic evidence shows no relationship between task-based and self-report measures of thought control (2022) Göbel K, Hensel L, Schultheiss O, Niessen C Journal article Thought control in daily working life: How the ability to stop thoughts protects self-esteem (2021) Göbel K, Niessen C Journal article Stop Thinking: An Experience Sampling Study on Suppressing Distractive Thoughts at Work (2020) Niessen C, Göbel K, Lang JW, Schmidt U Journal article Time to Forget: Intentional Forgetting in the Digital World of Work (2020) Niessen C, Göbel K, Siebers M, Schmid U Journal article Forgetting in future work systems: System characteristics and user-related psychological consequences on emotion, cognition, and behaviors (2019) Ellwart T, Ulfert AS, Antoni C, Göbel K, Hertel G, Niessen C, Sonnentag S, Wehrt W Journal article Ein ontologiebasierter Ansatz zur Wissensrepräsentation für die smarte Produktentwicklung (2018) Sauer C, Kügler P, Kestel P, Graf M, Göbel K, Niessen C, Schleich B, Wartzack S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution How do career satisfaction and life satisfaction associate? (2018) Hagmaier-Göttle T, Abele-Brehm A, Göbel K Journal article, Original article Intentionales Vergessen im Arbeitsalltag: Eine Critical Incident Untersuchung (2017) Niessen C, Göbel K, Siebers M, Schmid U Conference contribution, Conference Contribution A psychonic approach to the design of a cognitive companion supporting intentional forgetting (2017) Siebers M, Schmid U, Göbel K, Niessen C Conference contribution, Original article