Silicon Austria Labs
Research facility
Austria (AT)
Surfing Virtual Waves to Thermal Tomography: From model- to deep learning-based reconstructions (2022)
Kovacs P, Lehner B, Thummerer G, Mayr G, Burgholzer P, Huemer M
Journal article
High-Resolution Millimeter-Wave Tomography System for Nondestructive Testing of Low-Permittivity Materials (2021)
Och A, Holzl PA, Schuster S, Scheiblhofer S, Zankl D, Pathuri-Bhuvana V, Weigel R
Journal article
High-resolution millimeter-wave tomography system for characterization of low-permittivity materials (2020)
Och A, Holzl PA, Schuster S, Schrattenecker JO, Freidl PF, Scheiblhofer S, Zankl D, et al.
Conference contribution
Sectoral Horn and Patch Array Antenna Design for a 76-81 GHz High-Resolution Tomographic Radar (2020)
Rahamtulla WP, Och A, Hoelzl P, Schuster S, Pathuri-Bhuvana V, Weigel R
Conference contribution