Phramongkutklao Hospital / โรงพยาบาลพระมงกุฎเกล้า
Thailand (TH)
ISNI: 0000000405761212
ILAE neuroimaging task force highlight: Subcortical laminar heterotopia (2024)
Kasper BS, Archer J, Bernhardt BC, Caciagli L, Cendes F, Chinvarun Y, Concha L, et al.
Journal article
Neurocysticercosis and epilepsy: Imaging and clinical characteristics (2023)
Rodríguez-Leyva I, Cantú-Flores K, Domínguez-Frausto A, Vaudano AE, Archer J, Bernhardt B, Caciagli L, et al.
Journal article
Imaging characteristics of temporopolar blurring in the context of hippocampal sclerosis (2022)
Clavijo Prado CA, Federico P, Bernasconi A, Bernhardt B, Caciagli L, Concha L, Chinvarun Y, et al.
Journal article
ILAE Neuroimaging Task Force Highlight: harnessing optimized imaging protocols for drug- resistant childhood epilepsy (2021)
Lariviere S, Federico P, Chinvarun Y, Jackson G, Morgan V, Rampp S, Vaudano AE, et al.
Journal article
ILAE Neuroimaging Task Force highlight: Review MRI scans with semiology in mind (2020)
Federico P, Ng DW, Bernasconi A, Bernhardt B, Blumenfeld H, Cendes F, Chinvarun Y, et al.
Journal article, Review article
MRI essentials in epileptology: a review from the ILAE Imaging Taskforce (2020)
Wang I, Bernasconi A, Bernhardt B, Blumenfeld H, Cendes F, Chinvarun Y, Jackson G, et al.
Journal article