Hospital Sírio-Libanês


Location: São Paulo, Brazil (BR) BR

ISNI: 0000000090808521


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
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Unpublished / Preprint

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Preoperative breast MRI positively impacts surgical outcomes of needle biopsy–diagnosed pure DCIS: a patient-matched analysis from the MIPA study (2023) Cozzi A, Di Leo G, Houssami N, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Álvarez Benito M, Balleyguier C, et al. Journal article Screening and diagnostic breast MRI: how do they impact surgical treatment? Insights from the MIPA study (2023) Cozzi A, Di Leo G, Houssami N, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Álvarez Benito M, Balleyguier C, et al. Journal article A Delphi study and International Consensus Recommendations: The use of bolus in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy for early breast cancer (2021) Kaidar-Person O, Dahn HM, Nichol AM, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Pignol JP, et al. Journal article Magnetic resonance imaging before breast cancer surgery: results of an observational multicenter international prospective analysis (MIPA) (2021) Sardanelli F, Trimboli RM, Houssami N, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Alvarez Benito M, Balleyguier C, et al. Journal article INTERNATIONAL EXPERT DELPHI CONSENSUS GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF BOLUS IN POST MASTECTOMY RADIATION THERAPY (2021) Dahn H, Boersma L, De Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Offersen B, Pignol JP, Aristei C, et al. Conference contribution THE USE OF BOLUS IN POSTMASTECTOMY RADIATION THERAPY FOR BREAST CANCER: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW (2021) Dahn H, Boersma L, De Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Offersen B, Pignol JP, Belkacemi Y, et al. Journal article Tumor Growth Rate to Predict the Outcome of Patients with Neuroendocrine Tumors: Performance and Sources of Variability (2021) Dromain C, Sundin A, Najran P, Vidal Trueba H, Dioguardi Burgio M, Crona J, Opalinska M, et al. Journal article The use of bolus in postmastectomy radiation therapy for breast cancer: A systematic review (2021) Dahn HM, Boersma LJ, de Ruysscher D, Meattini I, Offersen BV, Pignol JP, Aristei C, et al. Journal article, Review article Solving the preoperative breast MRI conundrum: design and protocol of the MIPA study (2020) Sardanelli F, Trimboli RM, Houssami N, Gilbert FJ, Helbich TH, Alvarez Benito M, Balleyguier C, et al. Journal article Tumor growth rate as a validated early radiological biomarker able to reflect treatment-induced changes in neuroendocrine tumors: The GREPONET-2 study (2019) Lamarca A, Ronot M, Moalla S, Crona J, Opalinska M, Lopez CL, Pezzutti D, et al. Journal article