Freie Universität Berlin

University / College

Location: Berlin, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000091164836


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Freeing the Voice. Performance und Theatralisation (2000) Bormann HF, Brandstetter G, Malkiewicz M, Reher N Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Identification of stable porphomethenes and porphodimethenes from the reaction of sterically hindered aldehydes with pyrrole (2000) Speck M, Senge MO, Runge S, Ruhlandt-Senge K Journal article, Original article Porphyrin-o-quinones as model systems for electron transfer and catecholase reactions (2000) Speck M, Kurreck H, Senge MO Journal article, Original article Globular amphiphiles: Membrane forming hexakisadducts of fullerene C60 (2000) Vostrowsky O, Brettreich M, Burghardt S, Hirsch A, Boettcher C, Maierhofer A, Hetzer M, et al. Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Globular amphiphiles: Membrane-forming hexaadducts of C60 (2000) Brettreich M, Burghardt S, Boettcher C, Bayerl T, Bayerl S, Hirsch A Journal article, Original article Differential gene expression in colon carcinoma cells and tissues detected with a cDNA array (1999) Backert S, Gelos M, Kobalz U, Hanski ML, Böhm C, Mann B, Lövin N, et al. Journal article Structure and conformation of photosynthetic pigments and related compounds. 12. A crystallographic analysis of porphyrin-quinones and their precursors (1999) Speck M, Senge MO, Wiehe A, Dieks H, Aguirre S, Kurreck H Journal article, Original article An der Schwelle. Performance als Forschungslabor (1999) Bormann HF, Brandstetter G Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Regulation of mucin MUC2 gene expression during colon carcinogenesis (1998) Gratchev A, Böhm C, Riede E, Foss HD, Hummel M, Mann B, Backert S, et al. Conference contribution Extensional higher-order resolution (1998) Benzmüller C, Kohlhase M Conference contribution, Original article