VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Livermore, CA,
United States (USA) (US)
ISNI: 0000000404192556
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Dynamic Myocardial Perfusion CT for the Detection of Hemodynamically Significant Coronary Artery Disease (2022)
Nous FMA, Geisler T, Kruk MBP, Alkadhi H, Kitagawa K, Vliegenthart R, Hell M, et al.
Journal article
A CD22-Shp1 phosphatase axis controls integrin beta(7) display and B cell function in mucosal immunity (2021)
Ballet R, Brennan M, Brandl C, Feng N, Berri J, Cheng J, Ocon B, et al.
Journal article
Preservation of Microvascular Integrity in Murine Orthotopic Tracheal Allografts by Clopidogrel (2019)
Heim C, Khan MA, von Silva-Tarouca B, Kuckhahn A, Stamminger T, Ramsperger-Gleixner M, Nicolls MR, et al.
Journal article
Effect of Individualized Combined Exercise Versus Group-Based Maintenance Exercise in Patients with Heart Disease and Reduced Exercise Capacity: The DOPPELHERZ TRIAL (2018)
Christle JW, Schlumberger A, Zelger O, Haller B, Beckers P, Myers J, Halle M, Pressler A
Journal article