Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) / Slovenská akadémia vied (SAV)

Scientific academy / society / association

Location: Bratislava u.a., Slovakia (SK) SK

ISNI: 0000000121809405


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




BioDeepTime: A database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages (2023) Smith J, Rillo MC, Kocsis Á, Dornelas M, Fastovich D, Huang HHM, Jonkers L, et al. Journal article Beyond technology: A research agenda for social sciences and humanities research on renewable energy in Europe (2022) Krupnik S, Wagner A, Vincent O, Rudek TJ, Wade R, Mišík M, Akerboom S, et al. Journal article Zinc improves antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and cell motility activity of chitosan for wound healing applications (2022) Mutlu N, Liverani L, Kurtuldu F, Galusek D, Boccaccini AR Journal article Mapping intrashell variation in Mg/Ca of brachiopods to external growth lines: Mg enrichment corresponds to seasonal growth slowdown (2022) Müller T, Tomašových A, Correa ML, Mertz-Kraus R, Mikuš T Journal article Mapping intrashell variation in Mg/Ca of brachiopods to external growth lines: Mg enrichment corresponds to seasonal growth slowdown (2022) Müller T, Tomašových A, López Correa M, Mertz-Kraus R, Mikuš T Journal article, Original article A Review of the EUSO-Balloon Pathfinder for the JEM-EUSO Program (2022) Adams JH, Ahmad S, Allard D, Anzalone A, Bacholle S, Barrillon P, Bayer J, et al. Journal article, Review article Additive Manufacturing in Atomic Layer Processing Mode (2022) Kundrata I, Barr M, Tymek S, Döhler D, Hudec B, Brüner P, Vanko G, et al. Journal article Effect of glycerol and H3PO4 on the bioactivity and degradability of rod-like SBA-15 particles with active surface for bone tissue engineering applications (2022) Vargas-Osorio Z, Klotschan A, Arango Ospina M, Piñeiro Y, Liverani L, Rivas J, Michálek M, et al. Journal article Molecular biogeography of the fungus-dwelling saproxylic beetle Bolitophagus reticulatus indicates rapid expansion from glacial refugia (2021) Eberle J, Husemann M, Doerfler I, Ulrich W, Mueller J, Bouget C, Brin A, et al. Journal article Pinned quantum Merlin-Arthur: The power of fixing a few qubits in proofs (2021) Nagaj D, Hangleiter D, Eisert J, Schwarz M Journal article
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