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Klinikum Ansbach
Ansbach, Germany (DE)
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Nutzung von Anschlussmaßnahmen nach stationärem Alkoholentzug: Annahmen zum Stand der Vernetzung im deutschen Suchthilfesystem (2023)
Reichl D, Enewoldsen N, Tegethoff P, Gendlina T, Saur S, Lang C, Fuhrmann L, et al.
Journal article
Standardized Procedures for Patients with Dysplasia and Other Diseases of the Cervix, Vulva, and Vagina at a Certified Dysplasia Unit Prior to the Introduction of the Organized Cervical Cancer Screening Program. (2023)
Schulmeyer C, Koch MC, Dietl A, Stübs F, Behrens A, Renner SK, Mehlhorn G, et al.
Journal article
Risk of pelvic metastasis and significance of pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with node-positive vulvar cancer - results of the AGO-VOP.2/QS vulva study (2022)
Jaeger A, Hampl M, Zu Eulenburg C, Prieske K, Hambrecht J, Fuerst S, Klapdor R, et al.
Conference contribution
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in Pregnant Women Assessed by RT-PCR in Franconia, Germany: First Results of the SCENARIO Study (SARS-CoV-2 prEvalence in pregNAncy and at biRth In FrancOnia) (2022)
Hein A, Kehl S, Häberle L, Tiemann C, Peuker R, Mereutanu D, Stumpfe F, et al.
Journal article
Association of impulsivity with quality of life and well-being after alcohol withdrawal treatment (2022)
Reichl D, Enewoldsen N, Weisel K, Fuhrmann L, Lang C, Saur S, Berking M, et al.
Journal article
The global pandemic and changes in women's reproductive health: an observational study (2022)
Haile L, Van De Roemer N, Gemzell-Danielsson K, Perello Capo J, Lete Lasa I, Vannuccini S, Koch MC, et al.
Journal article
Lower Emotion Regulation Competencies Mediate the Association between Impulsivity and Craving during Alcohol Withdrawal Treatment (2022)
Reichl D, Enewoldsen N, Weisel K, Saur S, Fuhrmann L, Lang C, Berking M, et al.
Journal article
Neoadjuvant Therapy for Resectable Pancreatic Cancer A New Standard of Care. Pooled Data From 3 Randomized Controlled Trials (2021)
Birrer DL, Golcher H, Casadei R, Haile SR, Fritsch R, Hussung S, Brunner TB, et al.
Journal article
Improving diagnostic accuracy in assessing pulmonary edema on bedside chest radiographs using a standardized scoring approach (2014)
Hammon M, Dankerl P, Voit-Hoehne HL, Sandmair M, Kammerer FJ, Uder M, Janka RM
Journal article