Federal University of Santa Maria / Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

University / College

Location: Santa Maria, Brazil (BR) BR

ISNI: 0000000122846531

ROR: https://ror.org/01b78mz79

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Is higher physical activity behaviour associated with less subsequent use of any psychotropic medication: Results of a random-effects meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies (2024) Wolf S, Meinzinger E, Frei AK, Seiffer B, Löchner J, Takano K, Scarlett S, et al. Journal article, Review article Exercise as medicine for depressive symptoms? A systematic review and meta-analysis with meta-regression (2023) Heissel A, Heinen D, Brokmeier LL, Skarabis N, Kangas M, Vancampfort D, Stubbs B, et al. Journal article In-situ laboratory X-ray diffraction applied to assess cement hydration (2022) de Matos PR, Andrade Neto JS, Jansen D, De la Torre AG, Kirchheim AP, Campos CE Journal article, Review article Is Physical Activity Associated with Less Depression and Anxiety During the COVID-19 Pandemic? A Rapid Systematic Review (2021) Wolf S, Seiffer B, Zeibig JM, Welkerling J, Brokmeier L, Atrott B, Ehring T, Schuch FB Journal article, Review article The effects of climatic change on glacial, proglacial and paraglacial systems at Collins Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica, from the end of the little ice age to the 21st century Los efectos de los cambios climáticos en los sistemas glaciales, proglaciales y periglaciales del glaciar Collins, isla Rey Jorge, Antártica, del final de la Pequeña Edad del Hielo al siglo XXI (2020) Petsch C, da Rosa KK, Vieira R, Braun M, Costa RM, Simões JC Journal article Can physical activity protect against depression and anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic? A rapid systematic review (2020) Wolf S, Zeibig JM, Seiffer B, Welkerling J, Brokmeier L, Atrott B, Ehring T, Schuch FB Other publication type Does physical activity reduce the risk of psychosis? A systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies (2020) Brokmeier LL, Firth J, Vancampfort D, Smith L, Deenik J, Rosenbaum S, Stubbs B, Schuch FB Journal article, Review article Hydrological development and phenology of lakes of the fildes peninsula – Antarctica Desenvolvimento hidrológico e fenologia de lagos da península fildes – Antártica (2020) Petsch C, Costa RM, da ROSA KK, Vieira R, Braun M, Simões JC Journal article Fatigue behavior of Y-TZP ceramic after surface treatments (2016) Amaral M, Cesar PF, Bottino MA, Lohbauer U, Valandro LF Journal article Stress amplifications in dental non-carious cervical lesions (2014) Guimaraes JC, Soella GG, Durand LB, Horn F, Baratieri LN, Monteiro S, Belli R Journal article