Universität Stuttgart

University / College

Location: Stuttgart, Germany (DE) DE

ISNI: 0000000419369713

ROR: https://ror.org/04vnq7t77

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reusable and inductively regenerable magnetic activated carbon for removal of organic micropollutants from secondary wastewater effluents (2024) Drenkova-Tuhtan A, Inskeep CS, Luthardt L, Deuso SL, Ballweg T, Hanselmann D, Béalu Z, et al. Journal article, Online publication Utilizing direct Zener tunneling in Germanium for cryogenic quantum applications (2024) Hack M, Seidel L, Wanitzek M, Oehme M, Schulze J, Schwarz D Journal article Analyzing the Precipitation Effects in Low-Alloyed Copper Alloys Containing Hafnium and Chromium (2024) Dölling J, Kuglstatter M, Prahl U, Höppel HW, Ortner P, Ott B, Kracun SF, et al. Journal article Nonsmooth Lobatto-type variational integrators based on the discretization of the virtual action (2024) Capobianco G, Breuling J, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing: State of the art, perspectives, and future directions (2024) Gao RX, Krüger J, Merklein M, Möhring HC, Váncza J Journal article Bandwidth enhancement in GeSn-on-Si avalanche photodiodes with a 60 GHz gain-bandwidth-product (2024) Wanitzek M, Schwarz D, Schulze J, Oehme M Conference contribution Near-surface plastic deformation in polycrystalline SrTiO3 via room-temperature cyclic Brinell indentation (2024) Okafor C, Ding K, Preuß O, Khansur NH, Rheinheimer W, Fang X Journal article Event-capturing simulation of nonsmooth systems (2024) Capobianco G, Breuling J, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Abstract of a poster A RATTLE integrator for the simulation of unilaterally constrained mechanical systems (2024) Capobianco G, Breuling J, Leyendecker S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Fabrication and Characterization of a Magnetic 3D-printed Microactuator (2024) Rothermel F, Thiele S, Jung C, Krapf A, Ilse SE, Merle B, Giessen H, Herkommer AM Journal article