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TMF – Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e.V.
Scientific academy / society / association
Berlin, Germany (DE)
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Germany's Approach for the Secondary Use of Federated Real-World Data in the German Portal for Medical Research Data (2024)
Kleinert P, Gebhardt M, Buckow K, Gründner J, Ganslandt T, Prokosch HU, Semler SC
Conference contribution
Arbeitsgruppe Interoperabilität: Kerndatensatz und Informationssysteme für Integration und Austausch von Daten in der Medizininformatik-Initiative (2024)
Ammon D, Kurscheidt M, Buckow K, Kirsten T, Löbe M, Meineke F, Prasser F, et al.
Journal article
Towards a National Portal for Medical Research Data (FDPG): Vision, Status, and Lessons Learned (2023)
Prokosch HU, Gebhardt M, Gründner J, Kleinert P, Buckow K, Rosenau L, Semler SC
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
POLAR-POLypharmacy, drug interActions and Risks-how can data from inpatient care support their assessment? (2022)
Scherag A, Andrikyan W, Dreischulte T, Dürr P, Fromm M, Gewehr J, Jaehde U, et al.
Journal article
Aligning Biobanks and Data Integration Centers Efficiently (ABIDE_MI) (2022)
Prokosch HU, Baber R, Bollmann P, Gebhardt M, Gründner J, Hummel M
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
The COVID-19 Data Exchange Platform of the German University Medicine (2022)
Prokosch HU, Bahls T, Bialke M, Eils J, Fegeler C, Gründner J, Haarbrandt B, et al.
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
ToolPool Gesundheitsforschung - A Repository for Software and Services Focused on Supporting Clinical and Epidemiological Research. (2022)
Löbe M, Bialke M, Bienzeisler J, Drepper J, Ganslandt T, Haderer S, Kraska D, et al.
Journal article
Secondary research use of personal medical data: attitudes from patient and population surveys in The Netherlands and Germany (2021)
Richter G, Borzikowsky C, Lesch W, Semler SC, Bunnik EM, Buyx A, Krawczak M
Journal article
Towards a comprehensive and interoperable representation of consent-based data usage permissions in the German medical informatics initiative (2020)
Bild R, Bialke M, Buckow K, Ganslandt T, Ihrig K, Jahns R, Merzweiler A, et al.
Journal article
Week-long International Conference: "New ethical challenges in data-rich medical research: A comparison of countries". Munich, October 16-20, 2019 Internationale Klausurwoche: „Neue ethische Herausforderungen in der datenreichen Forschungsmedizin: ein Ländervergleich“: München 16.–20.10.2019 (2020)
Richter G, Lesch W, Buyx A
Journal article