Università della Calabria (UNICAL)

University / College

Location: Arcavacata di Rende, Italy (IT) IT

ISNI: 0000000419370319

ROR: https://ror.org/02rc97e94

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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




A Quantitative Provenance Analysis (QPA) Approach to Quantify Controls on Sediment Generation and Sediment Flux in the Upper Reaches of the Magdalena River (Colombia): 1. Natural and Anthropic Controls on the Sand Fraction (2024) Liedel S, Caracciolo L, Restrepo JC, Weltje GJ, Lucà F, Beltrán‐Triviño A, Restrepo Ángel JD Journal article Synthetic derivatives of natural cinnamic acids as potential anti-colorectal cancer agents (2024) Falbo F, Gemma S, Koch AM, Mazzotta S, Carullo G, Ramunno A, Butini S, et al. Journal article Climatic, depositional and environmental controls on early carbonate cementation in fluvial and shallow marine sandstones (2023) Janßen M, Caracciolo L, Bonnell LM, Lander RH, Munnecke A, Beltrán-Triviño A, Muto F, Stollhofen H Journal article Diagenesis and petrophysics of regional sandstone suites in Southern Apennines Foreland Basin, Italy (2023) Civitelli M, Borrelli M, Criniti S, Ravidà D, Falsetta E Journal article Editorial: Design, Synthesis, and Preclinical Testing of Innovative Anti-Cancer Compounds With a High Level of Selectivity of Action and Low Toxicity. (2022) Ferreira AMDC, Schneider-Stock R, Aiello F Journal article, Editorial New oleoyl hybrids of natural antioxidants: Synthesis and in vitro evaluation as inducers of apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells (2020) Carullo G, Mazzotta S, Koch AM, Hartmann K, Friedrich O, Gilbert D, Vega-Holm M, et al. Journal article Direct and cluster-assisted dehydrogenation of methane by Nb+ and Ta+: A theoretical investigation (2017) Sicilia E, Mazzone G, Perez-Gonzalez A, Pirillo J, Galano A, Heine T, Russo N Journal article Nanoparticles for radiooncology: Mission, vision, challenges (2017) Kunz-Schughart LA, Dubrovska A, Peitzsch C, Ewe A, Aigner A, Schellenburg S, Muders MH, et al. Journal article Dispersal pathways in the early Messinian Adriatic foreland and provenance of the Laga Formation (Central Apennines, Italy) (2017) Stalder NF, Fellin MG, Caracciolo L, Guillong M, Winkler W, Milli S, Moscatelli M, Critelli S Journal article, Original article Dual-band digital beamforming synthetic aperture radar for earth observation (2015) Gao S, Mao C, Qin F, Patyuchenko A, Tienda C, Younis M, Krieger G, et al. Conference contribution