University of British Columbia

University / College

Location: Vancouver, Canada (CA) CA

ISNI: 0000000122889830


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Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

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Bayesian Uncertainty Estimation Improves nnU-Net Generalization to Unseen Sites for Stroke Lesion Segmentation (2025) Vorberg L, Ditt H, Sühling M, Maier A, Murray N, Nicolaou S, Taubmann O Conference contribution Usefulness of Monoenergetic Non-contrast CT and X-Map Images for Deep Learning-Based Stroke Lesion Segmentation (2025) Vorberg L, Ditt H, Sühling M, Maier A, Murray N, Nicolaou S, Taubmann O Conference contribution Genome-wide association analyses of ovarian cancer patients undergoing primary debulking surgery identify candidate genes for residual disease (2024) Ramachandran D, Tyrer JP, Kommoss S, DeFazio A, Riggan MJ, Webb PM, Fasching P, et al. Journal article Integrated Sensing and Communications for End-to-End Predictive Beamforming Design in Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Networks (2024) Wang Z, Wong VW, Schober R Journal article Dynamics of nonthermal states in optimally doped Bi2Sr2Ca0.92Y0.08Cu2O8+δ revealed by midinfrared three-pulse spectroscopy (2024) Montanaro A, Rigoni EM, Giusti F, Barba L, Chita G, Glerean F, Jarc G, et al. Journal article Concurrent RB1 Loss and BRCA Deficiency Predicts Enhanced Immunologic Response and Long-term Survival in Tubo-ovarian High-grade Serous Carcinoma (2024) Saner FA, Takahashi K, Budden T, Pandey A, Ariyaratne D, Zwimpfer TA, Meagher NS, et al. Journal article Channel-Aware Joint AoI and Diversity Optimization for Client Scheduling in Federated Learning with Non-IID Datasets (2024) Ma M, Wong VW, Schober R Journal article Toward designing human intervention studies to prevent osteoarthritis after knee injury: A report from an interdisciplinary OARSI 2023 workshop (2024) Whittaker JL, Kalsoum R, Bilzon J, Conaghan PG, Crossley K, Dodge GR, Getgood A, et al. Journal article Vulnerabilities in social anxiety: Integrating intra- and interpersonal perspectives (2024) Ginat-Frolich R, Gilboa-Schechtman E, Huppert JD, Aderka IM, Alden LE, Bar-Haim Y, Becker ES, et al. Journal article, Review article The foundations of the Patagonian icefields (2024) Fürst J, Farías Barahona D, Blindow N, Casassa G, Gacitúa G, Koppes M, Lodolo E, et al. Journal article