University of Ulster
University / College
Coleraine, Belfast, Jordanstown, Derry,
United Kingdom (GB)
ISNI: 0000000105519715
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Sheet Metal 2007 ()
Micari F, Geiger M, Duflou JR, Shirvani B, Fratini L
Authored book
Sheet Metal 2009 ()
Shirvani B, Duflou JR, Merklein M, Micari F, Griffiths BJ
Authored book
Sheet Metal 2011 ()
Duflou JR, Merklein M, Micari F, Shirvani B
Authored book
Sheet Metal 2013 ()
Leacock AG, Duflou JR, Merklein M, Micari F
Authored book
Observing glacier elevation changes from spaceborne optical and radar sensors - an inter-comparison experiment using ASTER and TanDEM-X data (2024)
Piermattei L, Zemp M, Sommer C, Brun F, Braun M, Andreassen LM, Belart JM, et al.
Journal article
Sheet Metal 2015 (2023)
Merklein M, Duflou JR, Leacock AG, Micari F, Hagenah H
Authored book
Sheet Metal 2005 (2023)
Geiger M, Duflou JR, Kals H, Shirvani B, Singh U
Edited Volume
Global Matrix 4.0 Physical Activity Report Card Grades for Children and Adolescents: Results and Analyses From 57 Countries (2022)
Aubert S, Barnes JD, Demchenko I, Hawthorne M, Abdeta C, Nader PA, Sala JCA, et al.
Journal article
Artificial intelligence in cancer target identification and drug discovery (2022)
You Y, Lai X, Pan Y, Zheng H, Vera J, Liu S, Deng S, Zhang L
Journal article, Review article
Improving psychological science: further thoughts, reflections and ways forward (2022)
O'Connor DB, Abele AE, Baguley T, Daly M, Doherty N, Grange JA, Leman PJ, et al.
Journal article