Lehrstuhl für Augenheilkunde


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Glaucoma and Alzheimer: Neurodegenerative disorders show an adrenergic dysbalance (2022) Hohberger B, Prüss H, Mardin C, Lämmer R, Müller J, Wallukat G Journal article Risk factors for ocular hypotony after XEN Gel Stent implantation (2022) Galimi ME, Weller J, Kruse F, Lämmer R Journal article Identifying Design Principles for the Transmission of Visible Light through Electrospun Nanofibrous PCL Scaffolds for Corneal Tissue Engineering (2022) Himmler M, Schubert DW, Fuchsluger T Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Ultrastructural analysis of explanted CyPass microstents and correlation with clinical findings (2022) Hübner L, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Weller J, Hohberger B, Mardin C, Lämmer R Journal article Five-Year Long-Term Follow-Up of Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in Open-Angle Glaucoma (2021) Gack C, Lämmer R, Hohberger B Journal article Chromatic discrimination: The response window does matter for veridical measurement in mature observers (2021) Fars J, Fernandes TMP, Huchzermeyer C, Kremers J, Paramei GV Conference contribution Glaucoma classification in 3 x 3 mm en face macular scans using deep learning in a different plexus (2021) Schottenhamml J, Wuerfl T, Mardin S, Ploner S, Husvogt L, Hohberger B, Lämmer R, et al. Journal article, Original article Blue-Yellow VEP with Projector-Stimulation in Glaucoma (2021) Dussan Molinos L, Huchzermeyer C, Lämmer R, Kremers J, Horn F Journal article Case Report: Neutralization of Autoantibodies Targeting G-Protein-Coupled Receptors Improves Capillary Impairment and Fatigue Symptoms After COVID-19 Infection (2021) Hohberger B, Harrer T, Mardin C, Kruse F, Hoffmanns J, Rogge L, Heltmann F, et al. Journal article Perifoveal cone- And rod-mediated temporal contrast sensitivities in stargardt disease/fundus flavimaculatus (2021) Fars J, Pasutto F, Kremers J, Huchzermeyer C Journal article