Lehrstuhl für Augenheilkunde


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Glaucoma detection using non-perfused areas in OCTA (2024) Schottenhamml J, Würfl T, Ploner S, Husvogt L, Lämmer R, Hohberger B, Maier A, Mardin CY Journal article Chromatic visual evoked potentials: A review of physiology, methods and clinical applications (2024) Marmoy OR, Tekavčič Pompe M, Kremers J Journal article, Review article Pattern electroretinogram, blue-yellow visual evoked potentials and the risk of developing visual field defects in glaucoma suspects: a longitudinal “survival” analysis with a very long follow-up (2024) Huchzermeyer C, Lämmer R, Mardin CY, Kruse F, Kremers J, Horn F Journal article Pre-stimulus bioelectrical activity in light-adapted ERG under blue versus white background (2023) Tsay K, Safari S, Abu-Samra A, Kremers J, Tzekov R Journal article RNA-Seq–based transcriptome analysis of corneal endothelial cells derived from patients with Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (2023) Nakagawa T, Tokuda Y, Nakano M, Komori Y, Hanada N, Tourtas T, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, et al. Journal article Analysis of genetically determined gene expression suggests role of inflammatory processes in exfoliation syndrome (2023) Hirbo JB, Pasutto F, Gamazon ER, Evans P, Pawar P, Berner D, Sealock J, et al. Journal article Threshold Optimization for Tumor Markers S100b and MIA in Uveal Melanoma - A Single Center Analysis (2023) Glaser N, Petzold A, Wessely A, Kaufmann M, Koch E, Knorr H, Voskens C, et al. Journal article The influence of trace elements on the therapeutic success of suprachoroidal draining devices (2023) Wörn M, Lämmer R, Lucio M, Michalke B, Rühl E, Hohberger B Journal article Type II Diabetes Mellitus Causes Extracellular Matrix Alterations in the Posterior Cornea That Increase Graft Thickness and Rigidity (2023) Kingsbury KD, Skeie JM, Cosert K, Schmidt GA, Aldrich BT, Sales CS, Weller J, et al. Journal article Photoreceptor-Specific Temporal Contrast Sensitivities in RP1L1-Associated Occult Macular Dystrophy (2023) Huchzermeyer C, Fars J, Kremers J, Kühlewein L, Kempf M, Ott S, Stingl K, Stingl K Journal article