Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit der Ausrichtung Gesundheitsförderung/Public Health/Sozialwissenschaften des Sports


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Compensatory behavior of physical activity in adolescents – a qualitative analysis of the underlying mechanisms and influencing factors (2024) Beck F, Swelam BA, Dettweiler U, Krieger C, Reimers AK Journal article Rapid weight loss and mood states in judo athletes: A systematic review (2024) Lakicevic N, Thomas E, Isacco L, Tcymbal A, Pettersson S, Roklicer R, Tubic T, et al. Journal article Physical Literacy in the Context of Climate Change: Is There a Need for Further Refinement of the Concept? (2024) Carl J, Abu-Omar K, Bernard P, Lohmann J, White P, Peters J, Sahlqvist S, et al. Journal article Active mobility—(also) a topic for sport science? (2024) Reimers AK, Demetriou Y Journal article “That's like therapy”—A qualitative study on socially disadvantaged women's views on the effects of a community-based participatory research project on their health and health behavior (2024) Kreiml V, Sauter A, Abu-Omar K, Eickmann S, Herrmann-Johns A Journal article Germany’s 2022 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents (2024) Demetriou Y, Beck F, Sturm DJ, Abu-Omar K, Forberger S, Hebestreit A, Hohmann A, et al. Journal article, Review article Resilient communities? A qualitative interview study on sustaining a community project for health promotion among socially disadvantaged women during the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic (2023) Sauter A, Linder S, Abu-Omar K, Sommer RM, Herrmann-Johns A Journal article Determination of cut-off points for the Move4 accelerometer in children aged 8–13 years (2023) Beck F, Marzi I, Eisenreich A, Seemüller S, Tristram C, Reimers AK Journal article Physical activity of children and adolescents who use a wheelchair: a systematic review (2023) Seemüller S, Beck F, Reimers AK Journal article Adolescents' travel behavior in Germany: Investigating transport mode choice considering destination, travel distance, and urbanization (2023) Marzi I, Beck F, Engels E, Renninger D, Demetriou Y, Reimers AK Journal article