Lehrstuhl für Sportwissenschaft mit der Ausrichtung Gesundheitsförderung/Public Health/Sozialwissenschaften des Sports


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Preferences of women in difficult life situations for a physical activity programme: protocol of a discrete choice experiment in the German NU-BIG project (2023) Pedron S, Herbert-Maul A, Sauter A, Linder S, Sommer RM, Vomhof M, Gontscharuk V, et al. Journal article Active school transport routines during school transitions: Socio-structural predictors of changes from childhood into early adulthood (2023) Klos L, Burchartz A, Niessner C, Reimers AK, Thron M, Woll A, Wäsche H Journal article Associations of parents’ and adolescents’ active travel behavior across various destinations – a sex/gender analysis (2023) Beck F, Marzi I, Renninger D, Demetriou Y, Engels E, Niermann C, Reimers AK Journal article Motivation and Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction in Active Travel to Different Destinations: A Cluster Analysis with Adolescents Living in Germany (2023) Renninger D, Bachner J, García-Massó X, Molina-García J, Reimers AK, Marzi I, Beck F, Demetriou Y Journal article Parental perspectives on the decision-making process on transport mode choice in adolescents: a qualitative study with mothers and fathers (2023) Tristram C, Reimers AK, Renninger D, Beck F, Demetriou Y, Marzi I Journal article Promoting physical activity among socially disadvantaged women: Findings on target group outreach, course retention, and impact of the BIG project as a case study for participatory interventions in community settings Bewegungsförderung bei sozial benachteiligten Frauen: Erkenntnisse zur Zielgruppenerreichung, Kursbindung und Wirkung des BIG-Projekts als Fallstudie für partizipative Interventionen im kommunalen Setting (2023) Linder S, Herbert-Maul A, Ziemainz H, Thiel A, Holle R, Laxy M, Pedron S, Abu-Omar K Journal article Sunburn and sun protection during recreational outdoor sport in summer: Findings from the German general population aged 16–65 years (2023) Görig T, Apfelbacher C, Drewitz KP, Reimers AK, Breitbart EW, Diehl K Journal article Entwicklung eines Fragebogens zur Messung der kommunalen Kapazitäten für partizipative Bewegungsprogramme: eine Think-aloud-Studie (2023) Till M, Abu-Omar K, Streber A, Fleuren T, Herbert-Maul A, Reimers AK, Ziemainz H Journal article Development of health-promoting structures through cooperative planning Entwicklung gesundheitsförderlicher Strukturen durch kooperative Planung (2023) Rütten A, Semrau J, Wolff AR Journal article Corrigendum: “For me, it's just a piece of freedom”—Increased empowerment through physical activity promotion among socially disadvantaged women(Front. Public Health, (2022), 10, (867626), 10.3389/fpubh.2022.867626) (2023) Sauter A, Herbert-Maul A, Abu-Omar K, Thiel A, Ziemainz H, Frahsa A, Linder S, Herrmann-Johns A Journal article, Erratum