Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells
Journal Abbreviation: SOL ENERG MAT SOL C
ISSN: 0927-0248
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (49)
Laser structuring of crystalline silicon thin-film solar cells on opaque foreign substrates (2011)
Kunz T, Gazuz V, Hessmann MT, Gawehns N, Burkert I, Brabec C
Journal article, Original article
An inter-laboratory stability study of roll-to-roll coated flexible polymer solar modules (2011)
Gevorgyan SA, Medford AJ, Bundgaard E, Sapkota SB, Schleiermacher HF, Zimmermann B, Wuerfel U, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Determining the internal quantum efficiency of organic Bulk Heterojunctions based on mono and bisadduct fullerenes as acceptor (2011)
Azimi H, Morana M, Ameri T, Dastmalchi B, Scharber M, Hingerl K, Brabec C
Journal article, Original article
Differential calorimetry study of the initial stage of the sulphurisation process of CuInSe2 solar cell materials (2010)
Tang K, Künecke U, Oehlschläger F, Hölzing A, Schurr R, Hock R, Wellmann P
Journal article
The formation of CuInSe2 thin-film solar cell absorbers by laser annealing of electrodeposited precursors (2008)
Jost SG, Schurr R, Hergert F, Hock R, Schulze J, Kirbs A, Voss T, et al.
Journal article
The formation of CuInSe2 thin film solar cell absorbers from electroplated precursors with varying selenium content (2007)
Hock R
Journal article
Real-time investigations on the formation of CuInSe2 thin film solar cell absorbers from electrodeposited precursors (2007)
Hock R
Journal article
Pentanary chalcopyrite compounds without tetragonal deformation in the heptanary system Cu(Al,Ga,In)(S,Se,Te)(2) (2007)
Hock R
Journal article
Mimicking primary processes in photosynthesis photochemistry of covalently linked porphyrin quinones studied by EPR spectroscopy (1995)
Speck M, Kurreck H, Aguirre S, Dieks H, von Gersdorff J, Kay CW, Bachelor SN, et al.
Journal article, Original article